“Before Covid”

I was listening to some music earlier today, and one of the commenters mentioned having seen the singer in Australia “before Covid”.

Now, of course we’ve all heard that phrase hundreds of times by now, but reading it within the context of a comment about enjoying music – it just hit me like a runaway train.

We’ve lived through a division of time like a war, like an enormous storm, like a cataclysm. Everything ‘before’ will forever be very different than it is now – after.

The division doesn’t stop with time either. Everything in civilization has been divided. The well and the sick. Those who believe that governments have the answers and those who don’t. The folks who jump at the chance to get every single shot they can vs. those who vow to never be jabbed. People got to keep their job and those who lost their livelihood.

Nothings works quite the way it did before the spring of 2020. And that is pretty sad. A simple comment on a music video underscores how vastly our world has changed.

Published by Uncompliant

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